Decision makers club

Together we share, we discuss
and we help each other.


The « Decision-makers Club » is an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent – Mont-Royal, which brings together business people acting in different fields of activity, in order to create bonds of trust, share their expertise and promote the development of each member.

Build relationships of trust
Build relationships of trust
Our purpose is to build relationships of trust in order to allow each member to create a support network that goes beyond the monthly Club meetings.
Giving and receiving referrals
Giving and receiving referrals
Word of mouth is still the best advertisement for your business. We share references to help each other grow our businesses.
Increase members' visibility on social media
Increase members' visibility on social media
We celebrate our successes and share our news on the « Decision Makers Club » page on LinkedIn where members commit to interacting with your posts for increased visibility with their networks of contacts.
About registration
Membership of the "Decision Makers Club" is free for members of the Saint-Laurent - Mont-Royal Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Charges may apply for breakfast.
To become a member of the CCSL-MR, fill out the form at
To join the "Decision-Makers Club", please contact Cynthia Corriveau by email
About the meetings
Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., either in person or online via Zoom.
The club consists of members who have a decision-making power within the company (President, member of the management, entrepreneur, etc.).
All members must unanimously agree to new members.
The group is limited to 25 people.